What’s your view on managed services today? As you read this, more businesses are making evaluating making the move to managed IT services. The decision to turn over certain IT functions to managed IT service providers frees internal IT staff to focus on strategic projects and empowering business leadership to put their energies into managing core business operations and growth. With today’s emerging risks to data security and advanced business technologies creating new levels of operational efficiency, companies are realizing they could leverage expertise from Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) to bolster network infrastructure, upgrade software, protect critical company data and take full advantage of mobile business applications. Whether a business is looking to leverage innovative SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions, such as cloud financial accounting, or migrate teams to Office 365 to enhance mobile collaboration and operational productivity, managed IT services provide the proactive IT support necessary to drive business growth.

What are three reasons your business will benefit from proactive IT support?

24/7 IT Support & Proactive Data Security

Managed IT providers afford businesses the 24/7 security necessary to mitigate risks and, if a situation arises, restore operational processes and data integrity with speed, resources, skill to protect and secure data integrity. Even with an in-house IT department, sometimes it can be difficult to ensure that a business has the right talent on staff – at the right time – to handle a random IT issue. Infrastructure management, firewall and virus protection, WAN/LAN health monitoring, a fully secure virtual environment, disaster recovery, scheduled on-site support and more – all are available to your business with a managed IT service partner working to keep your data safe, secure and accessible 24/7.

Risk Mitigation & Reduced Downtime

Malware, hacking, loss of customer data due to breaches – or natural disasters. Not only can a managed services provider track and begin remediation of a known event more quickly and efficiently than the business could in the past, but through the robust tools available to MSPs, many events can be headed off at the pass. Managed services organizations can determine that a failure is imminent in many cases, thereby allowing remediation efforts that will prevent the failure from occurring in the first place, which clearly reduces downtime and risk for the client company.

Controlled IT Spending – Finally! 

Managed Service Plans can be accurately tailored to your IT requirements – and IT budget. You can accurately predict and budget for IT maintenance costs and spend more time focusing on managing your core business. With the right IT service provider, businesses can experience a true partnership in the protection, maintenance and management of their business technologies – without the pain of absorbing unforeseen costs.

CompuData’s Managed IT Services provide the proactive monitoring, measuring and maintenance your business technology needs to stay running – all the time. Let CompuData detect and prevent critical issues that could impact your productivity.

Time for Managed IT Services? Get started today!

Author: CBIZ CompuData

CBIZ CompuData is the premier technology solutions provider for small and midsize organizations. With over 50 years of experience in delivering innovative technology solutions, we are leaders in Managed Cloud, Accounting/ERP Software, Managed IT and Cybersecurity. We offer holistic technology solutions to enable our clients to scale, protect, and streamline their organizations.