Selecting the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution is a pivotal decision for businesses, as it sets the foundation for sustainable growth and operational efficiency. Equally important is choosing the right implementation partner to ensure a seamless transition and successful deployment of the solution. By asking the right questions and conducting thorough due diligence, your business can ensure a smooth implementation process that maximizes the benefits of your ERP investment. In this blog, we provide steps for this decision-making process, covering fundamental questions to consider when choosing an ERP solution and implementation partner.  

Choosing the Right ERP Solution: 

With countless solutions on the market, navigating the ERP landscape can be overwhelming. Let’s cover some key questions to ask when deciding on an ERP solution to ensure it meets your business’s needs.  

Have you thoroughly examined the ERP solution?

Before making any decisions, it’s essential to conduct a thorough examination of the ERP solution. Start with a comprehensive analysis of your business processes, pain points, and growth objectives. Engage key stakeholders from various departments to gather insights into their specific needs and challenges.  

Then, explore the ERP solution’s functionalities, customization capabilities, and scalability to evaluate how well it fits into your workflows and addresses your pain points. By doing this, you can determine whether the solution is a strategic investment in your business’s future growth and scalability.  

What functionalities are available  

A key aspect of selecting the right ERP solution is examining the range of functionalities it offers. Does it provide the flexibility of the cloud, enabling anytime, anywhere access to data and applications? Can it seamlessly integrate with your existing systems? These factors can help eliminate time-consuming processes, improve overall efficiency, and help enhance data accuracy and consistency across systems.  

 Additionally, beyond basic functionalities, consider whether the ERP solution provides specialized modules tailored to your industry. Are there other examples of clients that have successfully used the product in your industry? Look for industry-specific features and best practices built into the solution to support your workflows and business processes effectively.   

Are costs communicated and transparent? What’s included? 

Cost is a major factor in the ERP selection process, and transparency is critical to making informed decisions. Before committing to an ERP solution, you need to evaluate its pricing structure thoroughly. Start by understanding the baseline costs and what’s included in the standard package. Does the solution offer out-of-the-box functionalities that meet your needs and align with your business requirements? Determine whether there are additional hidden costs associated with customizations, add-ons, or third-party integrations. Some ERP vendors may offer a seemingly attractive initial price but then nickel and dime you with extra charges for essential features or services.  

Selecting the Right ERP Implementation Partner:  

While selecting the right ERP solution is crucial, choosing an implementation partner is just as vital for a successful outcome. To ensure an effective implementation process, it’s imperative to ask the right questions when evaluating potential partners. By asking the below questions, you can gain valuable insights into the implementation partner’s capabilities, expertise, and commitment to delivering a successful ERP project tailored to your business needs.  

Have you checked references 

Request client references to gather insights from past clients about the implementation partner’s performance, reliability, and overall satisfaction with their services. This provides valuable information to assess their track record and credibility in delivering successful ERP implementations.  

What’s their overall project plan, and does it align with your timeline and objectives? 

Having a clear understanding of the partner’s project plan enables you to assess their approach, methodology, and timelines for the project. It ensures alignment with your business goals and expectations, fostering effective collaboration and communication throughout the implementation process.  

Do they have industry-specific experience?  

Industry-specific experience indicates the partner’s familiarity with the unique challenges, requirements, and regulations of your industry. It enhances their ability to tailor the ERP implementation to your specific needs, leading to a smoother and more successful project outcome.

What are the costs associated with the implementation?   

Understanding the labor costs associated with the implementation is essential for budgeting purposes. It allows you to plan financially and allocate resources effectively for a smooth implementation process, helping to avoid unexpected expenses.  

Do they provide post-implementation support and training 

When selecting an implementation partner, it’s crucial to assess their commitment beyond the initial rollout. Inquire about their post-implementation support and training offerings to ensure that your team receives the necessary assistance to navigate challenges and maximize the system’s potential. Reliable partners should offer comprehensive support, including ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting, and system updates. Additionally, inquire about tailored training programs to equip your team with the skills needed to effectively utilize the ERP system.  

Working with a Trusted Solution and Partner   

With Sage Intacct, you know what you’re getting — a trusted cloud-based solution backed by years of industry expertise and a commitment to delivering tangible results. Sage Intacct offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. From cloud flexibility to seamless open API integrations and industry-specific modules, Sage Intacct provides the foundation for streamlined operations and sustainable growth.   

As a leading Sage Diamond Partner with over 30 years of experience migrating and implementing Sage solutions, CBIZ CompuData is equipped with a team of certified Sage Intacct consultants who have the expertise, resources, and methodology needed to support you through every stage of the ERP implementation journey. With a proven track record and industry-specific expertise, we can ensure a seamless transition, from project planning to post-implementation support.  

To learn more about how CBIZ CompuData can guide you through the ERP implementation process with Sage Intacct, email us.  

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Author: Jane Brown

Jane is the Sage Intacct Consulting Manager at CBIZ CompuData. She supervises the Sage Intacct team and is responsible for business process reviews, project plan & timeline development, implementation & configuration of Sage Intacct, as well as post-sales support. Jane has five years of prior Intacct experience on both the user & implementer side. Before she started her Intacct consulting journey, she worked in the corporate accounting/finance space in a variety of industries including insurance, tech and professional services.