Taking the right cybersecurity measures is extremely important for organizations in today’s technology world. According to a study done by Google, 4 out of 10 American have had their personal data compromised online. Of those, 47% have lost money as a result. The main culprit of data breaches are easy-to-guess passwords. These types of passwords put people at risk because hackers are able to simply guess the password. Two factor authentication is one of the easiest security measures your organization can implement to create an extra barrier or security for your users. This security enhancement requires the user to enter two pieces of information about themselves when logging on to their online accounts, to ensure they are the person they claim to be. This consists of two of the following pieces of information: something you know (like a password/pin), something you have (security token, cell phone, etc.), something you are (fingerprint). This is an added layer of security on top of your password, to eliminate security breaches based on your password alone. Many people believe that two factor authentication is time consuming, difficult, and an expensive process, but those 3 myths about this key security measure are debunked below.
1. Myth 1: Two Factor Authentication adds complexity when logging in
When learning anything new within an organization, it can take time to understand, and you may not be able to do it quickly the first few times. That can reign true for two factor authentication as well, however the process becomes routine after you learn what to do. Two factor authentication comes in many different forms, and you can work with your managed service provider to decide what form of two factor authentication will work best for your organization. When setting up this key security measure, it is important to use a managed IT provider who will take the time to teach and explain how to use it thoroughly. This helps to avoid any complexities or issues to help end users at your organization understand exactly how to incorporate this cybersecurity measure when logging in.
2. Myth 2: Two Factor Authentication is difficult to set up
Implementation challenges are a big fear when discussing two factor authentication, however it does not have to be stressful and complicated. There are many IT service partners that will set this up throughout your organization and be there for any questions or concerns.
CompuData has multiple trained IT consultants along with 24/7/365-day support to make implementation, training and IT help a breeze all while helping to eliminate security breaches within your organization.
3. Myth 3: Two Factor Authentication is expensive
As said above, two factor authentication comes in many different forms and there are many cost-effective methods involving things you already use every day, such as your cell phone. It is also important to make note of the consequences of not taking proper cybersecurity measures within your organization. Security breaches can cost your company millions of dollars. According to a study by IBM, 52% of data breaches were caused by malicious attacks, and each breach costs an average of $4.27 million. When considering expenses, it is important to remember that prevention is always much cheaper than recovery. By implementing this key security measure , it can help to eliminate security breaches and in turn save your organization millions of dollars.
Passwords were invented to keep your data safe, but in today’s day and age relying on just a password is not enough. Two factor authentication is an easy and effective way to help eliminate security breaches within your organization and is a key security measure for your end users that can save you countless hours and millions of dollars.
CompuData has multiple trained IT consultants ready to help protect and secure your organization. To learn more about two factor authentication and other important cybersecurity measures your organization can take, visit here.