When it comes to growing your business, here are 4 digital business technology tools you may want to introduce in 2019.

The Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud solution combines private (internal/on-premise) and public (external) cloud deployment models. With a typical private cloud solution, one would build, develop and manage their own cloud infrastructure. The most common deployments of private cloud solutions are in enterprise-level environments. Businesses that have the capital to fund a private cloud operation will usually purchase the necessary equipment, hire their own dedicated IT support teams, and build or lease their own data centers. This business technology tool allows the company to have complete control over their cloud environment. The primary downside of a private cloud is that it is very expensive to implement and maintain. It also requires highly skilled engineers to manage the network. In a public cloud scenario, one utilizes web-based applications and services. Hardware or software is not owned or maintained by the client, and resources are completely acquired from third party vendors. Google Apps, Salesforce, and Amazon Web services are all common examples of public clouds. With these deployments, end-users will work strictly through the Internet via web-based portals. Generally, application data is not stored locally. All relevant information is stored through the cloud provider.

Your Best Cyber Security

When it comes to protecting your business from cyber threats, it’s important to implement the best technologies, services and solutions. Cyber security threats are constantly evolving, an ongoing semi-annual training plan should be implemented for all employees. Protect your network and devices. It is essential to use up-to-date software products and be vigilant about patch management. Cyber criminals exploit software vulnerabilities using a variety of tactics to gain access to computers and data. Daily backups are a requirement to recover from data corruption or loss resulting from security breaches. Consider using a modern data protection tool that takes incremental backups of data periodically throughout the day to prevent data loss. Investments in cyber security tools and expertise are escalating for companies in all markets.

The Ease of Cloud Accounting

Cloud accounting software products vary in complexity and features offered, with many products designed for use by companies of a certain size, such as enterprise-level businesses or SMBs. Depending on the scale of the solution, features for payroll, time tracking, or expenses are easy to utilize. Cloud computing has increasingly become a solution for organizations. It’s an innovative and increasingly popular model of software deployment that offers enterprise-class software function without traditional up-front infrastructure costs or the unpredictable support and maintenance costs of on-site software and hardware – from infrastructure to security to personal productivity to workflow. Cloud accounting software leverages cloud hosting on remote servers, similar – Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models, but with the flexibility, scalability and collaborative force of working in the cloud. With cloud accounting, finance teams can benefit from real-time reporting and visibility throughout an organization, with mobile collaboration empowering teams to keep accounts balanced, accurate and updated any time, any day and from any location – accounting efficiency and transparent financial management never stop.

Flexible Business Management Solution 

When it comes to implementing an ERP system, most companies require a business case demonstrating a positive ROI before corporate resources and funds are committed to an initiative – whether implementing a new ERP system for the first time, or updating or replacing a legacy ERP system. The scope and complexity of many ERP projects will demand a business case that addresses the concerns and needs of all project’s stakeholders. For this business technology tool, a business case that anticipates potential problems or objections can also be a powerful tool to sell the project in the organization. Involving key stakeholders in the development of a business plan can also be a strong way to build organizational support for the new system. If you’re currently using disparate systems, basic accounting applications, or outmoded enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, it may be time for a big modernization. You’re not alone! In fact, more than a third of manufacturing executives said in a recent survey that obsolete ERP systems were seriously hurting their ability to compete and grow. After all, legacy ERP systems have difficulties serving the manufacturing community today when it comes to a variety of things, leaving manufacturers challenged.

Looking to explore new technologies to help your business scale for growth? We can help. Contact us today.

Author: CBIZ CompuData

CBIZ CompuData is the premier technology solutions provider for small and midsize organizations. With over 50 years of experience in delivering innovative technology solutions, we are leaders in Managed Cloud, Accounting/ERP Software, Managed IT and Cybersecurity. We offer holistic technology solutions to enable our clients to scale, protect, and streamline their organizations.